W B Yeats

W B Yeats

25 minutes From The House

W B Yeats drew inspiration from county Sligo all his life. The landscape of Yeats' Sligo Ireland is wonderful…a post Ice Age drama pitted with blue lakes, megalithic remains of early man and at every turn a line from William Butler Yeats that captures forever the magic of the place. His brother, Jack B Yeats, did the same in line drawings and later impressionist oils saying that “everything I paint has something of Sligo in it” They wrote and painted in the late 1800s but today a great deal of it can still be seen now as then.

Visit his grave at Drumcliffe church. 

Damien Brennan knows all of its history, all of its poetry and delights in taking visitors along with him on a tour of discovery. He accompanies coach groups, small bus tours and private individuals around the Land of Hearts Desire, as Yeats referred to Sligo. He will accompany you in your vehicle or you can join him in his comfortable car. yeatssligo@gmail.com