"Come for a House Party and bring a gun"
Temple House has always provided varied and exciting rough woodcock shooting. The atmosphere is of a ‘yesteryear shooting party’.
~ The woodcock, which is always driven, is a mix of natural woodland on Temple House estate and grounds plus some carefully selected forestry in the area. You will see some lovely country.
~ Depending on the weather we may also get some duck on Templehouse Lake and Owenmore River – not huge numbers but it is great fun.
It should be remembered that woodcock and duck are migratory birds and they are very dependent on the weather. Therefore no guarantee as to numbers can, in all fairness, be given. The bag is also dependent on the skill of the guns. Nevertheless we usually see enough for everybody to go home happy!
Woodcock & Duck: 3 days shooting / hunting
Shoot Thursday – Saturday
Ideally 7-9 guns
Minimum charge is 8 x gun charge, but this can be reached with non shooting companion charges too.
The intention is to enjoy a house party really – to which you bring a gun! Our rates are full board – you just add drink. We leave the house at 9.30, usually return for a proper sit down lunch – and then keep going until dark. You may then sample the black stuff in a local pub before returning to change for dinner. A deep bath or a power shower is well deserved followed by an exquisite dinner that rounds off the day nicely – the finer the wine (we have a wine list), the greater the stories. Open fires, and possibly a brandy, prepare you for a good night’s sleep.
Guns and companions arrive in time for dinner on the night before shooting and depart after breakfast on the morning following the last shooting day.
Reservation: please submit your enquiry.
Hunting Payment/Cancellation Schedule
Non refundable
Minimum Charge of 8 gun
9 months out 25%
6 months out 50%
3 months out 100%
Should a gun(s) pull out, the minimum charge will apply across the remaining party.
You may choose to either gather the sums upfront or enforce the cancellation policy.
Insurance: Each gun requires a policy to cover Public Liability of at least EUR 6,500,000.
Gun Licence: All shooting guests must be in possession of Current Irish shotgun certificate
All non-IRL residents are required to complete a Firearm Certificate Application (Non Residents Firearms Act 1925-2000). This process can take up to 6 weeks. We can forward a partially completed form as soon as the booking is made. (You should note that EU residents need a ‘European Firearm Pass’ when making this application. Check its expiry date!)
Adverse weather: You are advised to bring adequate wet weather clothing e.g. Barbour jackets, Wellington boots, and thorn proof leggings…
Dogs: The estate provides well-trained and suitable gun dogs. Irish and UK visitor’s dogs are welcomed and can be stabled/left in car with advance notice but are not allowed into the house. Please bring your own dog food.
Cartridges: These can be obtained locally provided sufficient notice is given. As a rough guide, over three days shooting 100 cartridges should suffice. Usual shot size: 7 – 7.5s for woodcock, 4s for duck.